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You go to work, serve people, that can be cranky at times, especially when they deem you too slow, but that runs off of you like water off a duck's back. But then things go amiss, you are no longer alone.

Unfortunately, by the time I'd figured out what to do, I got shot :o]

This game has 3 different endings, but I'm a 1-ending guy.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.


Thank you for the amazing feedback

I did the 3 finals but I record just the 3/3 that it was the best for me to teach him a lesson haha

Nice game looking forward to play more of your games

Big improvement from the last game however i would appreciate if this creator locked in at school!!!

I wanna know how our character can afford that kind of car on a 7-11 salary. I had fun playing this

Im innocent

GREAT Looking game! I very much enjoyed it!

Nice very good game 3 endings well done keep it up!


Congratulations to the creators of this very good game, I really like that it has 3 different endings, I want the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, for me it is important to have your help, if the creators of this game need my help with the promotion of games I offer myself for free, greetings from Spain!!


Muchas gracias por compartir esta maravilla de juego, que tenga 3 finales está muy bien y la historia parecida a egg fried rice donde en este caso se centra en un sorbete es genial, muy buen trabajo, aquí comparto el vídeo que he hecho en español, saludos!!!

Muchas gracias por jugar el juego señor.